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by Jürgen Ovens
Portrait of Aleida Paets (1635-1673) 1650
Duke Christian Albert of Holstein Gottorp and his wife P...
Allégorie de la Vanité 1700
Portrait of a couple with puttos 1648
Regents of the Oudezijds Almshouse, 1705 1705
Regents of the Oudezijds Almshouse, 1759 1759
Regents of the Oudezijds Almshouse 1806
Regents of the Nieuwezijds Almshouse, 1799 1799
Regents of the Old Men's and Woman's Almshouse, 1618 1618
Regents of the Nieuwezijds Almshouse
Regents of the Old Men's and Woman's Almshouse, 1750 1750
Regents of the Rasphuis
Two regents and two regentesses of the Spinhuis 1650
Regents of the Binnengasthuis