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by Jan Maurits Quinkhard
Portret van Cornelis Dirksz van Foreest (1704-1761) 1750
Portrait of an unknown woman 1740
Double portrait of Michiel de Roode (1685-1771) and Jan P... 1738
Portrait of Gerrit Sichterman ( -1730) 1740
Regents of the Old Men's and Woman's Almshouse, 1732 1732
Regents of the Leper house in Amsterdam, 1741 1741
Regents of the Old Men's and Woman's Almshouse, 1618 1618
Regents of the Spinner's and New Workhouse 1750
Portrait of Gualterus Petrus Boudaen (1704-1781) and his... 1736
Regents of the Oudezijds Almshouse, 1759 1759
Regents of the Oudezijds Almshouse 1806
Regents and regentesses of the leper house in Amsterdam,... 1835
Three regents and the Mater of the Leper house 1822
Regents of the Spinner's and New Workhouse, 1699 1699