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by Jan Adam Kruseman
Portrait of Alida Christina Assink (1810-1886) 1833
Portret van Hubert Joseph Jean ridder de Stuers 1836
Portretten van Mr. I.L. Cremer van den Bergh van Heemsted... 1840
Portrait of Dr. Cornelis Hendrik à Roy, Physician and Bio... 1833
Group Portrait of the Regents and Regentesses of the Lepe... 1834
Regents of the Leper house in Amsterdam, 1741 1741
The Regents of the Spinhuis and Nieuwe Werkhuis, Amsterda... 1669
Three regents and the Mater of the Leper house 1822
Four regents and the pater of the House of Corrections in... 1764
Officers and other members of the militia of district VII... 1639
Portrait of Rodolphe le Chevalier, Merchant in Amsterdam... 1850
Regents of the Old Men's and Woman's Almshouse, 1750 1750
The regents of the Nieuwe Zijds institute for the outdoor... 1650
Regents of the Almshouse in 1729 1729