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by Jeremias van Winghe
Portrait of Maria Salome von Stalburg (1602-1646), Wife o... 1641
A kitchen interior with a maid preparing meat and gentlem... 1635
A roemer on a silver-gilt bekerschroef, sweetmeats in a s... 1607
Still Life
Portrait of Johann Maximilian von Holzhausen 1758
Portrait of the Antwerp Merchant Sebastiaen Leerse and hi...
Portrait of Anna Rosina Marquart, née Tanck, wife of Joha... 1642
Portrait of Penelope Naunton, Lady Herbert 1670
William, Earl of Craven 1642
Portrait of Hendrik Dubois (1589-1646), Artist and Art De... 1669
Portrait of a Man (Rudolf van Loen?) 1700
Portrait of Johann Christoph Freiherr von Bartenstein (16...
Portret van Catharina Evertsdr. Entens van Mentheda 1642