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by Pierre-Paul Prud'hon
Venus and Cupid asleep, caressed and awakened by the Zeph... 1806
La Victoire et la Paix 1807
Minerve éclairant les génies des arts et des sciences 1800
Les Arts, la Richesse, les Plaisirs et la Philosophie 1500
Rebecca at the Well 1740
The Madonna of Carmel and the Souls of the Purgatory 1724
Sad feeling 1862
The Death of Cleopatra 1660
Portrait of Andrea Doria as Neptune 1540
Untitled 1859
Porträt de Moise Kiesling 1915
Self-portrait of Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo 1568
La Négresse 1862
Ritratto di Teresa Manzoni Stampa Borri by Francesco Haye... 1849
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