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by Tosa Mitsuyoshi
“The Oak Tree” (Kashiwagi) 1590
Chapter Twenty-Five “Fireflies” from The Tale of Genji
Chapter Eight “Festival of the Cherry Blossoms” from The...
“A Lovely Garland” (Tamakazura) 1607
Albums of scenes from The Tale of Genji (Genji monogatari... 1650
Scenes from The Tale of Genji (Genji monogatari) 1607
Scenes from Tales of Ise (Ise monogatari) 1785
The Public Viewing David’s "Coronation" at the Louvre 1810
Portrait of Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier and his wife 1788
Côte des Grouettes, near Pontoise 1878
High Point: Shandaken Mountains 1853
Crucifixion and Last Judgement diptych 1430