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by Francis Hayman
Knabenbildnis mit Hund 1849
Falstaff Recruits from Shakespeare's 'Henry IV', Part II,... 1765
Prince Eugene Sends the Emperor News of the Victory at Ze... 1865
Two East Anglian Gentlemen with a Pointer 1752
Emperor Trajan sacrificing to Mars Victorius (from the Ar... 1748
Part of Diptych (right): Saint Anne holding the Virgin as... 1620
Apollo in his Chariot with the Hours and Aurora 1765
A Small Child in a Fur-lined Cap and with a Necklace with... 1583
The Madonna and Child with the Infant John the Baptist in... 1537
An Old Woman and a Young Girl in a Garden (Vertumnus and... 1676
View of Windsor Castle, with Four Cows in the foreground,... 1841
A Sunset Coastal Scene with an Anchored Frigate and Figur... 1749
The Infant Bacchus, with an Infant Satyr, Putti and a Goa... 1649
Aeneas and Achates wafted in a Cloud before Dido, Queen o... 1735