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by Francis Hayman
Knabenbildnis mit Hund 1849
Prince Eugene Sends the Emperor News of the Victory at Ze... 1865
Captain Sir Edward Vernon, 1723-94 1754
Falstaff Recruits from Shakespeare's 'Henry IV', Part II,... 1765
The Elopement: Pamela flying to the Coach, while Lady Dav...
Benjamin Lethieullier MP (1728/9-1797), with two Wild Boa... 1752
Two Couples of Foxhounds in a Park Landscape with two Ter... 1785
Two Couples of Hounds in a Park Landscape with two Terrie... 1785
'Sampson', a Bay Horse, with two white socks 1783
The O’Neill Boys with a Chariot in the Grounds of Shane’s... 1783
Gilbert Coventry, 4th Earl of Coventry (c.1688 - 1719) wi...
Louisa Barbara Catherine Philips, Countess of Lichfield (... 1832
A Classical Landscape with Two Shepherds and Sheep
A Classical Landscape with a Traveller and Two Women conv...