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Resurrection. 1550
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 1710
Bharata comes to meet Rama at Chitrakuta 1800
Rama killsTaraka 1800
Mary Queen of Scots bidding Farewell to France, 1561 1893
The Death of Frederick, 1st Duke of Schomberg (1615-1690)... 1849
Four Views from Dunster Castle: the Village of Dunster, l... 1740
The Departure from Tréport of Queen Victoria, 7 September... 1843
The Murder of David Rizzio. 1868
Diana returning from the Chase 1849
Mary, Queen of Scots (1542–1587) 1849
Called Mary, Queen of Scots (1542–1587) (after a Spanish... 1820
Called Anne Capel, Mrs John Hanbury (d.1669) (as Mary, Qu... 1849
Gulliver presented to the Queen of Brobdignag (from Jonat...