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by Simon Luttichuys
Still life with rummer, pewter jug, lemon, bread, smoking... 1655
Still Life with a Pewter Jug on a table with beer, salt c... 1649
Still life with a rose 1650
Still life with lobster, bread, knife, pewter plate, and... 1656
King Charles I of England 1627
Prince James of England 1660
Portrait of Prince Henry of England 1643
Portrait of King Charles III of Spain 1765
King George III of England 1765
Charles I of England (1600–1649) as Prince of Wales 1624
Allegory on the Crowning of Charles II 1657
Karl I af England tager i fængslet afsked med sine børn 1838
Frederik II Builds Kronborg Castle at Elsinore
Katharina II af Rusland i kroningsdragt