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by Antti Favén
General Mannerheim watches the conquest of Tampere from t... 1920
A Factory by the Rapids 1899
Artists´ Party following Akseli Gallen-Kallela's 50th Bir... 1915
In the Sauna 1914
Landscape in Kuhmo 1890
A Girl in the Old Church of Keuruu 1889
Haystack in the Evening Sun 1891
Art Connoisseurs in the Louvre 1879
The Red-Haired Girl II 1915
Crack Willow and Blue Bird in New Mexico 1925
Bellman Playing the Lute for Gustaf III of Sweden and G.M... 1884
In a Café in Paris 1886
Artist's Wife and Emelie von Etter in Cannes 1891