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Still Life with Flowers 1700
Giovanni Vincenzo (John Vincent) Gandolfi, 3rd Count Gaze... 1713
Delilah cutting Samsons Hair, with the Philistines (right... 1700
Samson smiting the Philistines with a Jawbone of an Ass (... 1700
Ernesta Clementina Sandryk of Florence, Mrs Edmund Willia... 1880
Laura Beatrice Elton, Mrs George Gibbs (1842-1911), as a... 1850
Sarah Smith, Lady Elton (1782-1830) and her Son Edmund Wi... 1823
Edmund William Elton (1822-1859) 1849
Jane Octavia Elton, Mrs William Brookfield (1821-1896) 1859
'Trying a Poacher' 1850
Frances Delaval, later Mrs Fenton Cawthorne (1759 - 1839)...
Sophia Anne Delaval, later Mrs John Jadis (1755 - 1793),...
Charlotte Dee, Mrs Charles Edmund Nugent (1756-1813), as... 1789
Mary Weld, Mrs William Pitchford, later Mrs Edward Gatacr... 1750