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by Italian School
Michelangelo Buonarotti (1475-1564) (after Jacopino del C... 1849
Giovanni Vincenzo (John Vincent) Gandolfi, 3rd Count Gaze... 1713
Still Life with Flowers 1700
Samson smiting the Philistines with a Jawbone of an Ass (... 1700
The Madonna and Child with Cherubim 1500
Part of Diptych (right): Saint Anne holding the Virgin as... 1620
Bust of Saint John the Baptist with a Lamb 1684
Landscape with Tobias and the Angel 1625
The Virgin and Child enthroned, adored by a Bishop-saint... 1700
A Mountainous Road Scene with the Story of Saint Peter an... 1590
The Madonna and Child with the Infant John (The 'Fries' M... 1520
Saint Cecilia playing the Organ 1649
David with the Head of Goliath 1614