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by Denis van Alsloot
Skating Masquerade, or Carnival on Ice at the Kipdorppoor... 1620
Landschaft mit Schloss und Jagdgesellschaft 1608
Chateau de Mariemont 1620
A wooded landscape with an amorous couple seated by a tre... 1605
The Festival of the Ommegang in Brussels: the procession... 1616
The Ommegang in Brussels: Part 1: Procession of Guilds 1616
La Abundancia y los Cuatro Elementos 1610
El terceto burlesco 1601
Los cuatro evangelistas 1601
Fiesta de Nuestra Señora del Bosque 1616
The Moneychanger and His Wife 1539
El rey don Rodrigo arengando a los jefes de su ejército a... 1871