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by John Ferneley
The Meet of the Keith Hall Foxhounds 1824
A Grey Hunter 1820
Lieutenant Henry Fortescue (1798-1876) 1824
Lord Howe's Groom with Gray Hunter
Academic Study of a Male Nude in the same Pose as a Figur... 1824
Untitled 1660
Five Brood Mares at the Duke of Cumberland's Stud Farm in...
Lord Augustus John Hervey, later 3rd Earl of Bristol (172... 1769
A Copy of the East Window in Loddon Church with the Kneel... 1699
A Groom (Frank Spence) with Two Ponies and Two Greyhounds...
Captain Augustus John Hervey, later 3rd Earl of Bristol (... 1769
View of the Peak: Reynard’s Cave and Kitchen, in Dovedale
Thomas Strickland (1792 - 1835) and Horse in the Hunting... 1819
A Jockey in, possibly, the Duke of Grafton's colours with... 1814