Ruth Cadden

Artist (Ireland)



I'm a Galway artist based in Co.Mayo with an Honours Degree in Fine Art from the Crawford College of Art and Design, Cork. My work ranges in various forms, from sculpture and drawing to painting and etchings.

 The subjects cover landscape, figurative work ( human and animal), portraits, my own take on the stories of Greek mythology and pieces of social commentary. 




Ruth Cadden followed Chris Klein

Ruth Cadden added Andromeda by Peter Paul Rubens to their profile

Ruth Cadden rated Andromeda by Peter Paul Rubens

Ruth Cadden followed Mo Kelly

Ruth Cadden followed Peter Donnelly

Ruth Cadden followed Corina Thornton

Ruth Cadden followed Steve Simpson

Ruth Cadden added Mask 1 by H Masacz to their profile

Ruth Cadden rated Mask 1 by H Masacz

Ruth Cadden rated Insomnia by Alan Rogerson

Ruth Cadden added Insomnia by Alan Rogerson to their profile

Ruth Cadden followed Alan Rogerson

Ruth Cadden added Another Night by Justin Bradshaw to their profile

Ruth Cadden followed Justin Bradshaw

Ruth Cadden uploaded the artwork Festival Pig by Ruth Cadden

Ruth Cadden uploaded the artwork Pig in a Bra by Ruth Cadden

Ruth Cadden uploaded the artwork Pigs Bathing by Ruth Cadden

Ruth Cadden uploaded the artwork Pig in a G-String by Ruth Cadden

Ruth Cadden uploaded the artwork Tattoo Pig by Ruth Cadden