Seven Angels Adoring the Christ Child 1740
Pope Benedict XIV (Prospero Lambertini, 1675–1758) 1746
La Courtisane amoureuse 1735
The Artist's Studio 1740
Untitled 1737
Untitled 1722
Charon Ferrying the Shades 1740
The Attributes of the Arts 1700
Scene from La Fontaine's Fable 'The Mare of Peasant Pierr... 1732
Charon Ferrying the Shades 1744
Untitled 1725
Portrait of Maria Felice Tibaldi 1740
The Mass of Saint Basil 1746
Heraclius Carrying the Cross 1728
Emperor Valens before Bishop Basil (The Mass of St Basil)
The Barque of Charon