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by Ádám Mányoki
Portrait of Jan Sebastian Szembek (1672-1731) 1731
Portrait of Count Georg Wilhelm Werthern 1719
Portrait of Archduchess Maria Theresa of Austria, later E... 1723
Porträt der Charlotte Amalie von Hessen-Wanfried. 1710
Portrait of Baroness János Podmaniczky née Judit Osztrolu... 1724
Portrait of Prince Ferenc Rákóczi II 1712
Still life with peaches 1721
Untitled 1701
Portrait of Princess Maria Klavdievna Tenisheva while wor... 1897
Anna Maria Talbot (née Brudenell), Countess of Shrewsbury
Susannah Maria Cibber (née Arne) 1749
Portrait of Maria Josepha of Austria 1750
David Garrick; Eva Maria Garrick (née Veigel)