‘The Old Church Path with Aircraft and Traffic Noise’, (2... 2006
Martian chronicles. Communications 2014
Untitled (traffic cone) 2009
Rain No 9 2014
The Boulevard Montmartre on a Winter Morning 1897
London Traffic 2012
La cola del cine 2001
A Pattern of Rambling Gentlemen. 2013
The Bucintoro Festival of Venice. The Bacino di S. Marco... 1793
Three-point perspective 2004
Daddy Bus 2014
New York City
Red Noise 2013
Oscuri passaggi 2013
New York city raphael perez artist statement about his n...
Il povero romantico / The poor romantic
Kolkata in song 2010
traffic light 2009
Color en mi calle / Color on my street 2010