Sherard Osborn 1847
Alice Sherard, Lady Brownlow (1659-1721)
Sir John Sherard (1662-1724) 1675
Alice Sherard, Lady Brownlow (1659-1721) 1680
Possibly Elizabeth Sherard 1680
Mary Calverley, Lady Sherard (d.1702) 1700
Alice Sherard, Lady Brownlow (1659-1721) 1700
Mrs. James Lowndes (Catherine Osborn) 1801
Mary Sherard, Mrs Peter Whitcombe (d.1663) 1683
Beach at Dusk, St Ives Harbour 1895
Nameless and Friendless. “The rich man’s wealth is his st...
Nameless and Friendless. “The rich man’s wealth is his st... 1857
The Governe 1860
Royal Avenue, Chelsea 1900
The Governess 1860
Captain Henry Osborn, 1694-1771 1743
Alice Sherard, Lady Brownlow (1659-1721) 1685
Udsigt fra vinduet i Café Osborne op ad Frederiksberg All... 1889
Portrait of John William Scharff (b.1895)