John Ritchie Findlay of Aberlour, 1824 - 1898. Proprietor...
Cartoon for the "Sun" Window in The Scottish National War... 1926
Andrew Bonar Law, 1858 - 1923. Statesman (study for portr... 1924
Arthur James Balfour, 1st Earl of Balfour, 1848 - 1930. S... 1920
George Nicoll Barnes, 1859 - 1940. Statesman. (Study for... 1924
Processional Frieze in the Great Hall of the Scottish Nat... 1897
Interior from the National Gallery, Oslo 1904
La National Gallery et l'église Saint Martin (Londres) 1878
Portrait of Frederic William Burton (1816-1900), Artist a... 1901
The National Gallery 1886, Interior of Room 32 1886
John Miller Gray, 1850 - 1894. Art critic and first curat... 1885
Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig, 1861 - 1928. Soldier (study... 1922
Taking Measurements - The Artist Copying a Cast in the Ha... 1887
Portrait of Sir Hugh Lane (1865-1915), Director of the Na...
Edward Grey, Viscount Grey of Fallodon, 1862 - 1933. Stat... 1924
Cartoon For The "Mars" Window In The Scottish National Wa... 1926
Sri Ganga Singh Bahadur, the Maharaja of Bikaner, 1880 -... 1920
General Louis Botha, 1863 - 1919. Soldier and statesman.... 1918
The Interior of the National Gallery of Scotland, c 1867... 1872
Fine Arts Exhibition in Warsaw in 1828 1828