Romeo and Juliet 1884
Romeo and Juliet at the tomb of the Capulets 1850
William Thomas Lewis as Mercutio in 'Romeo and Juliet'
Romeo and Juliet 1823
Dame Ellen Terry (1847-1928) as Juliet in William Shakesp... 1866
Romeo and Juliet 1870
Romeo and Juliet, Act 5, Scene 3 1790
David Garrick and George Anne Bellamy as Romeo and Juliet... 1755
Romeo and Juliet 1867
Romeo and Juliet: the Tomb Scene 1790
David Garrick and George Anne Bellamy in "Romeo and Julie... 1753
Romeo and Juliet - Act II Scene 5 (‘Juliet and her Nurse’... 1827
A Lady contemplating Suicide (Juliet from William Shakesp... 1861
Scenes from Romeo and Juliet: The Ball Scene (I, V) 1882
Romeo and Julia 1900
Romeo and Juliet 1860
Romeo and Juliet 1796
Illustration to Romeo and Juliet Act III, Sc III 1911
Romeo et Juliette 1850