Portrait of Anne, Princess Royal and Princess of Orange,... 1750
Prince Louis and Princess Alice of Hesse with three of th... 1871
August (1831-1873), hereditary prince, prince of Sweden a... 1846
Prince August of Prussia 1814
Portrait of Cologne Prince-Elector Klement August (Portra... 1740
Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, The Prince Consort, lan...
Portrait of Prince Nicolai Saltykov 1785
The Battle of Blenheim, 13 August 1704: The Attack led by... 1713
Portrait of Prince Elector August of Saxony 1586
Prince Johann August of Saxe-Gotha (1704-1767) 1735
Prince Johann August of Saxe Gotha (1704-67)? 1737
Portrait of Prince Christian I, son of Elector August, as... 1564
The Unveiling of the Prince Consort's Statue in the Marke... 1865
Princess Augusta, Princess Elizabeth, Prince Ernest, Prin... 1776
Princes Ferdinand (1816-85) and Augustus (1818-81) of Sax... 1824
The Reception of Queen Victoria by Napoleon III at St Clo... 1856
Francis Ayscough with the Prince of Wales (later King Geo...
Queen Caroline (of Brandenburg Ansbach) (1683–1737) and h... 1730
Princess Victoria of Hesse (1863-1950), later Princess Lo... 1870