Portrait of a Man Reading by Candlelight
Portrait of Emile Zola 1868
Portrait of a Man in his Study 1785
Portrait of a Man with a Book 1524
Three Persons Viewing the Gladiator by Candlelight
Lucan portrait of a man by Leonardo da Vinci 1505
Portrait of an Old Man in Red by Rembrandt
Old Man reading by Candlelight 1700
Portrait of a lady surrounded by a garland. 1676
Head of a Moor (by Peter Paul Rubens?) 1620
Portrait of two men by a table with books and writing too...
Portrait of a Man Reading a Document
Portrait of Jan Six by a Window
Portrait of Jan Boursse, Sitting by a Stove
Portrait of a Collector (Self-Portrait with Etching by Re...
Portrait of a Man Wreathed by Flowers 1655
Guidobaldo II della Rovere, Duke of Urbino (1514–1574), W... 1585
Man Reading by Candlelight 1805
Portrait of a man by a chair
Portrait of a Man by a Chair, ca. 1620-1621 1621