Pope Saint Celestine V
Saint Catherine before the Pope at Avignon
Saint Gregory the Pope
Jacopo Pesaro being presented by Pope Alexander VI to Sai... 1503
A Pope (Saint Gregory?) and Saint Matthias 1423
Blessing of Saint Aukta by Pope Siricius 1520
Saint Francis before Pope Honorius III
Pope Urban II Calls Saint Bruno to Rome 1626
Saint Thomas Aquinas Submitting His Office of Corpus Domi... 1403
Saint Francis before the Pope (The Approva of the Francis... 1395
Saint Francis of Assisi Appearing before Pope Nicholas V,... 1628
Saint Catherine of Siena before Pope Gregory XI
Saint Clare of Assisi Blessing the Bread before Pope Inno... 1455
Saint Francis of Assisi according to Pope Nicholas V's Vi... 1640
Pope Saint Alexander (exterior left) 1504
Saint Laurence and pope Sixtus II 1490
The Vision of Pope Innocent III; Saints Peter and Paul Ap... 1453
The Burial of the Count of Orgaz 1588
The Papacy Offered to Saint Gregory the Great [?]
Feast of the Rosary 1506