The Children of The Hon. Reverend Henry Cockayne Cust (17... 1823
The Presentation of Crimean Medals by Queen Victoria, 18... 1856
Portrait of Jacob Hobein, Rescued the Dutch Flag under En... 1832
Kaiserproklamation im Spiegelsaal von Versailles am 18. J... 1885
The Reception of Queen Victoria by Napoleon III at St Clo... 1856
Sketch for "Reception of Emperor Napoleon III and Empress... 1864
The Investiture of Napoleon III with the Order of the Gar... 1860
Battle of Tarutino on 6 (18) October 1812 1847
Louisa Pennant, Viscountess Feilding (1828 - 1853), aged...
Pave Leo Xll aflægger besøg i Thorvaldsens værksteder ved... 1828
Reality (Poem of the Soul 18) 1854
Half-size Sketch for The Opening of Waterloo Bridge (“Whi...
The Battle of Sinope on 18 November 1853 (Night after Bat... 1853
CALLIGRAMME DE GRENOUILLE 18 - Calligram of frog 18- by P... 2006
Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, The Prince Consort, lan...
Pedro II (18) 1862
Ruïne van de op 18 september 1822 verbrande Nieuwe Luther... 1822