Portrait of Nicolaas Schmelzing (1561-1629) 1611
Portrait of Nicolaas Schmelzing (1561-1629) 1621
Portrait of Nicolaas Schmelzing 1609
Portrait of Nicolaas Stenius 1650
Portrait of Albert and Nicolaas Rubens 1627
Self-Portrait 1830
Nicolaas Calkoen (1666-1738) 1696
Portrait of Nicolaas Stenius (1605-1670) 1649
Portret van Nicolaas Beets (1814-1903) 1850
Amsterdams weesmeisje 1890
Strike of the Ballerinas 1936
Girls at Amsterdam's Civic Orphanage 1920
Colonade van het Burgerweeshuis 1936
Council of War on board the 'Queen Charlotte', commanded... 1818
Portret van de schilder Nicolaas de Vree 1670
Near Breukelen on the Vecht 1870
Jacob de Vos Jacobszoon 1860
Portrait of David van Mollem with his Family 1740