Portrait of a Man with a Medal of Cosimo the Elder 1474
Old man with beard and beret wearing a medaillon
Kiss Kiss Kill Kill 2010
Captain John Pratt (1753-1824)
Typographic Games Poster 2012
Peace Concluded 1856
Winner Medal
George I 1880
Diva Vittoria Colonna 1861
Retrato de D.João VI 1801
Retrato de Dom Pedro I 1902
Self-portrait with beret, gold chain, and medal
Portrait of a Man with a Samson Medal
Portrait of a Man with a Roman Medal 1480
Retrato de D.Pedro II, 1879 1878
Retrato do Brigadeiro Raphael Tobias de Aguiar 1901
Retrato de Felisberto Caldeira Brandt (Marquês de Barbace... 1925
Bust of an old man with a beard and medal
Girl with a medal
Retrato do General José Couto de Magalhães 1888