Mary English (née Ballard, later Greenup) 1818
The Descent from the Cross 1610
Mary Sears (later Mrs. Francis Shaw) 1878
The Crucifixion 1620
The Entombment
Little Girl in a Blue Armchair 1878
Lilacs in a Window 1883
Mary Magdalene In The Cave 1876
Mary Magdalene in the Cave 1868
Mary Magdalen in Ecstasy 1606
The Holy Family with Mary Magdalen 1595
Mary Magdalene as a hermit 1825
Assumption of the Virgin Mary 1626
Annunciation (Cell 3) 1438
The penitent Mary Magdalene 1892
Madonna col Bambino tra le sante Caterina e Maria Maddale... 1490
Crucifixion 1426
Mary Magalene as Melancholy
Saint Mary Magdalene 1635
The Crucifixion with the Virgin, Saint John, Saint Jerome... 1485