Local folklore society in Karsjö, 5 people 1926
The Bus (el camion) 1929
Sophia Loren - Siciliana 1984
Concert at the Casino of Deauville 1865
Frontera: los otros 2013
Golden Rule 1961
ο γερονησιώτης - old man from a Greek island 2000
Greek Islands Man 1988
CURIOSITE LOCALE - Local curiosity - by Pascal 1990
The Parc Monceau 1878
Dance at Le Moulin de la Galett 1876
Paris, rue du Havre 1882
A Sunday on La Grande Jatte — 1884 1886
A Corner of the Moulin de la Galette 1892
Street with Women 1908
Liberty Leading the People
A Centennial of Independence 1892
The Dancing Couple 1663
Guardianes de la memoria / Keepers of memory 2011
The Night Café 1888