Karl Johans gate med Universitetet 1907
Self Portrait
The painters Karl Friedrich Lessing, Carl Sohn and Theodo... 1839
Karl told me (Summer version) 2014
Portrait of the Swedish Painter Karl Nordström 1882
Portrait of Karl Hals. 1914
Karl Jensen-Hjell 1885
Portrait of Karl B. von Knorring (1774-1817) (3rd) 1823
Portrait of Karl Prinz von Hessen-Philippsthal 1790
Portrait of Karl G. Stahl (1777-1853) 1822
Einzug Karls III. in Madrid 1710 1865
Hofrat Dr. Karl Zehden 1876
Portrait of the Painter Karl Schou 1911
Portrait of the painter Karl Hagemeister 1876
Karl Eduard von Liphart 1885
Karl Wilhelm Ramler 1749
Karl Josef Kuwasseg (1802-1877), Mrs Bowes' Drawing Maste... 1867
"Portrait of Karl Nesselrode" 1859
Portrait of Karl Liphart 1895