Last Official Portrait of Pope John Paul II 2004
John III of Portugal and John the Baptist 1564
Portrait of King John I of Portugal 1434
Infant John IV of Portugal, Duke of Braganza, in 1608 1879
Acclamation of King John IV of Portugal 1823
King John I of Portugal depositing his arms on the altar... 1665
John III of Portugal
Catherine of Hapsburg, the Wife of King John III of Portu... 1552
Portrait of John VI of Portugal 1817
D. Maria II, Queen of Portugal (1819-1853) 1837
Portrait of John VI of Portugal 1802
Portrait of John, Prince Regent of Portugal
King Afonso V of Portugal knights the Prince John 1802
John VI of Portugal when Prince of Brazil and Duke of Bra... 1869
Acclamation of King John IV of Portugal by Veloso Salgado 1908
John, Prince of Portugal (1537-54) 1553
John V of Portugal in the Battle of Matapan 1750
John VI of Portugal 1817
Triptych of the Virgin with the Child and Angels, St. Joh... 1500
The Capture of the Hessians at Trenton, December 26, 1776 1786