Snow Storm: Hannibal and his Army Crossing the Alps 1812
The Oath of Hannibal 1770
The Battle of Zama 1578
Hannibal recognises the head of his brother Hasdrubal 1729
Hannibal crossing the Alps on elephants
Historienzyklus: Der Sieg des P. Cornelius Scipio über Ha... 1530
Hannibal swearing revenge against the Romans (Pittoni) 1723
Hannibal jurant haine aux Romains 1766
Hannibal, aan wie op een schotel het hoofd van Hasdrubal... 1808
Hannibal's dream 1661
Hannibal ayant retrouvé le corps de Marcellus 1750
Dood van Hannibal 1510
Hannibal the Conqueror viewing Italy for the first time f... 1771