Woman from the Island of Mykonos 1700
Woman from the Island of Tinos 1700
Springtime 1937
Dancer V 1958
Portrait of Yannis Tsarouchis 2012
Κοιμωμένη - Sleeping Female Figure 1878
On the true betrayal dream door 2013
Le Satyre et l'Amour XI 1933
A Greek Priest 1700
Διάλειμμα από τη Ζωγραφική (Recess from drawing) 2013
Man from the Island of Mykonos 1700
Ὑπὲρ βωμῶν καὶ ἑστιῶν - For altars and hearths
The Painter and His Model 1855
Μέχρις Εσχάτων - Till the end
Greek island 1998
Ξάφνιασμα μέσα στη νύχτα - Suddenly In The Dark 1967
Small Hydra 1947
Nostalgia 2008
His Studio 1881