The Impassioned Grape Picker 1817
Autumnal 2012
A vineyard at sunset 2012
The Dance of the wine 2015
The Grapes 2010
Bacchanal with a Wine Vat 1475
Portrait with grapes
The Wine Dance 2009
Grapevine 1800
Still-life with a white vase 2005
Blissful Moment 2009
Still Life with Grapes and a Carnation 1880
Vine 2014
The Silver Screen 1921
Bouquet of Flowers in a Terracotta Vase with Peaches and...
Still Life with Peaches, a Silver Goblet, Grapes, and Wal... 1760
Still Life of Dahlias with Pineapple and Grapes
Bodegón Conteporáneo 1/ Still Life 1 2012
The Virgin of the Grapes 1650