Georgina Schuyler 1883
Portrait of Georgina de Albuquerque 1907
Mrs. Schuyler Burning Her Wheat Fields on the Approach of... 1852
Sessão do Conselho de Estado 1922
Portrait of Georgina Lennox, later Countess Bathurst 1780
Member of the Schuyler Family 1835
Georgina Manan 1886
Louisa Lee Schuyler 1879
Lady Georgina Sophia Baillie-Hamilton, Lady Vernon (1839-... 1865
Mrs. Philip Jeremiah Schuyler (1781-1852) 1807
Lady Georgina Mary Louisa Moreton, later Lady Charles Edw... 1835
Georgina Caroline Gwynne 1850
View of Poughkeepsie in 1840 (mural study, Poughkeepsie,... 1940
A Gentleman of the Schuyler Family (attributed to John Wa... 1725
Mrs. Philip John Schuyler (Catherine van Rensselaer) 1795
Georgina 1863
Arent Schuyler (1662-1730) 1725
Lady Georgina Sophia Baillie-Hamilton, Lady Foley (1839-1... 1860
Georgina, Emily and Augusta Rose 1848