Drying the Laundry 1884
Laundry boats in Paris 2000
Le séchage des voiles (The Drying Sails) 1905
Woman Drying Her Foot 1886
Washerwoman near Trouville 1876
The Laundress (La Blanchisseuse) 1761
Cliff Dwellers 1913
Santorini 2009
Washing clothes by the river
After the Bath (Woman Drying Herself) 1896
Winter evening
Podwórze 2010
Hanging the Laundry out to Dry 1875
Hey, on a roof.
Слыш, Семёныч!?
Dialogue 2012
Gossips 2011
Молдаванка - Поповиченко Татьяна