The Hallucinogenic Toreador 1969
Slave Market with the Disappearing Bust of Voltaire 1940
Christ of Saint John of the Cross 1951
The Persistence of Memory 1931
The Temptation of St. Anthony 1946
The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus 1959
Daddy Longlegs of the Evening-Hope! 1940
Old Age, Adolescence, and Infancy (The Three Ages) 1940
Enchanted Beach with Three Fluid Graces 1938
Eggs on the Plate without the Plate 1932
Lobster Telephone 1938
Salvador Dali 2006
Last Supper 2014
Apu Dali
Inertia 2012
Retrat de Pablo Picasso al segle XXI 1947
Dali 2013
Salvador 2012
CREPUSCULE DES DIEUX - The twilight of the Gods - by Pasc... 1983