The Family of Crown Prince and Crown Princess Frederick W... 1862
The Marriage of the Princess Victoria Adelaide, Princess... 1858
The Four Eldest Children of Crown Prince and Princess Fre... 1865
Crown Prince Frederick Augustus of Saxony 1714
In Love 2011
Coniunctio (Maternity) 2011
HRH Crown Prince Frederick of Denmark 2018
Crown Prince Friedrich Christian of Saxony (1722-1763) 1739
Crown prince Frederik de Great in Armour 1750
Crown Prince Ludwig in the Spanish Wine Tavern in Rome 1824
Portrait of crown prince Frederick William as David with... 1702
Prince Frederick Henry, Crown Prince Palatine (1614–1629) 1628
Karl XII as the Prince of Crown
Crown Prince Frederick William, later Frederick III, Germ... 1880
Frederick William, Crown Prince of Prussia (1831-88) 1867
Frederick William, Crown Prince of Prussia (1831-88) 1863
Portrait of Grand Duke Crown Prince Alexander Alexandrovi... 1880
Prince Frederick Henry, Crown Prince Palatine (1614–1629) 1634
Ludvig XVI as Crown Prince 1777
Frederick William, Crown Prince of Prussia and later Empe... 1867