Compass on paper_2012 2012
The Astronomer 1668
The Geographer 1669
The Geographer 1668
The lost paradise / El paraiso perdido 2011
Vanitas, Still Life with Books and Manuscripts and a Skul... 1663
The Black Baron 2013
Illustration 2013
Vanitas Still Life with a Candlestick, Musical Instrument... 1662
The Rose of Winds 2004
Apollon, Euterpe and Urania 1741
Newton 1795
A desire, a means, a route 2003
Apollo, Euterpe and Urania
Portrait of Luca Pacioli 1495
The Ancient of Days
Portraits of Giuliano and Francesco Giamberti da Sangallo 1482
Compass (80x70cm) 2012
COMPASS - by Pascal 2005
Generation Flux (2 of 3)