The Death of Priam 1861
Perseus with Minerva Showing the Head of Medusa 1750
Roman Soldiers in the Circus 1640
Cavalry Combat 1650
Ulysses 1827
Crowd Control - SOLD 2016
Perseus Freeing Andromeda 1865
Combate de Botocudos em Mogi das Cruzes 1920
Dante and Virgil In Hell 1850
Pallas Athena 1655
Benaiah 1829
La Terre. Combat d'Hercule et d'Antée 1819
The Intervention of the Sabine Women 1799
La Belle Dame Sans Merci
Achilles and Amazon 2005
Samurai wars 2011
Jean, dit Poton, seigneur de Xaintrailles (?-1461) 1834
The Battle of the Amazons 1615
Nymphe enlevée par un faune 1860
Mars concurred by Venus 2011