Saint John on Patmos, Madonna and Child Enthroned, and De... 1325
Saint John on Patmos 1540
Saint John the Evangelist on the Island of Patmos 1618
Saint John on the Isle of Patmos 1613
Man from the Island of Patmos 1700
Woman from the Island of Patmos 1700
Woman from the Island of Patmos 1718
Saint John in Patmos 1550
John of Patmos (Poulakis) 1651
Saint John the Evangelist on the Island of Patmos 1482
Tabernacle: Coronation of the Virgin, w/the Annunciation,...
Roundel with Saint John on Patmos with Apocalyptic Vision 1525
Saint John on the Island of Patmos 1550
Saint John the Evangelist's Dream at Patmos
St. John the Evangelist on the Island of Patmos 1682
Man from the Island of Patmos 1718
Saint John Evangelist writes his Revelations on the Islan... 1659
Vision of San Juan in Patmos-Tenochtitlan
Melchisédech offrant du pain et du vin, bénit Abraham: Mo... 1859
The Sampling Officials of the Amsterdam Drapers’ Guild, k... 1662