Little Girl in Front of an Open Chest of Drawers 1907
Portrait of a man with his hand on his chest
Portrait of a Man with His Hand on His Chest 1540
The Liberation of St Peter 1759
Portrait of Chester Harding Krum 1845
Portrait of Anne, Countess of Chesterfield 1778
The Birth of Venus 1863
Portrait of a young man with a skull 1628
The Barque of Dante 1822
Portrait of Doña Isabel de Porcel 1805
The Entombment of Atala 1808
The Origin of Sculpture 1786
The Origin of Painting 1786
Naked Young Woman in Front of the Mirror 1515
Portrait of Mademoiselle Durand 1854
The Rape of Helen
Judith with the head of Holophernes 1504
The Truth at the bottom of a well 1895
Recollection of Mortefontaine 1864
The Madness of Titania 1897