Carlo and Ubaldo Resisting the Enchantments of Armida's N... 1755
omaggio a carlo Crivelli 2008
Glorification of the Cross 1718
A Study for Two Angels on a Balustrade
Cardinal Carlo Cerri
Hercules led by knowledge to immortality
The Glorification of St. Felix and St. Adauctus
The Glorification of Saint Anthony Abbot 1740
Kreuzabnahme Christi 1730
Self-portrait 1674
The Crowning of St. John Nepomuk
Glorification of the Cross
Allegorie des Friedens und der Gerechtigkeit 1717
The Assumption of St Lucy
Verherrlichung des Lammes 1730
Carlos y Ubaldo en las islas Afortunadas 1629
Bildnis von Herzog Eberhard Ludwig von Württemberg (?)
God the Father Receiving the Madonna of the Immaculate Co... 1725
Saint Philip Neri (1515–1595)