Carlo and Ubaldo Resisting the Enchantments of Armida's N... 1755
omaggio a carlo Crivelli 2008
Glorification of the Cross 1718
A Study for Two Angels on a Balustrade
Cardinal Carlo Cerri
Hercules led by knowledge to immortality
The Glorification of St. Felix and St. Adauctus
The Glorification of Saint Anthony Abbot 1740
Kreuzabnahme Christi 1730
The Crowning of St. John Nepomuk
Glorification of the Cross
Allegorie des Friedens und der Gerechtigkeit 1717
The Assumption of St Lucy
Verherrlichung des Lammes 1730
Carlos y Ubaldo en las islas Afortunadas 1629
Bildnis von Herzog Eberhard Ludwig von Württemberg (?)
God the Father Receiving the Madonna of the Immaculate Co... 1725
Saint Philip Neri (1515–1595)
Self-portrait 1674