Calypso (Cytherea bulbosa) 1916
Calypso 1906
Calypso Blues 2011
Calypso's Isle 1897
Mercury Ordering Calypso to Release Odysseus 1680
Calypso, the goddess of the seas 2012
Calypso 1869
CALYPSO NOW - by Pascal 2006
Odysseus and Calypso 1680
The Goddess Calypso rescues Ulysses 1630
Hermes Ordering Calypso to Release Odysseus 1670
Telemachus and the Nymphs of Calypso 1782
The Sorrow of Telemachus 1783
Calypso with her Nymphs Caressing Cupid 1814
Telemachus on Calypso's Island
Telemachus and Calypso 1809
Study for 'Calypso's Grotto'
Hermes befaler Kalypso at frigive Odysseus 1765