Venice: The Grand Canal from the Palazzo Foscari to the C... 1726
Venice: The Grand Canal from the Rialto to the Palazzo Fo... 1725
Venice: The Grand Canal from the Palazzo Foscari to the C... 1740
Venice: the Grand Canal from the Palazzo Foscari to the C... 1745
Venice, The Grand Canal, Looking South-West, From the Ria...
Blick auf den Canal Grande nach Südwesten, von der Rialto...
The Two Foscari 1855
The Last Meeting between Jacopo Foscari and his Family Be... 1850
The Abdication of Doge Foscari 1850
The two Foscari 1852
The Regatta on the Grand Canal, Venice, looking towards t... 1820
The Death of Francesco Foscari, Doge of Venice 1854
Der Doge Francesco Foscari schickt seinen Sohn Giacomo in... 1838
El dux Frari Foscari destituido 1872
The Grand Canal, Venice, looking north-west from the Ca'... 1738
The Grand Canal towards Ca' Pesaro 1866
Ca d'Oro 1897
Rinaldo and Armida as lovers observed by Ubaldo and Carlo... 1629
Portrait of a man, probably Sir George Carew (ca.1504-154... 1540