Luncheon of the Boating Party 1881
The Boating Party 1894
Swimmer (Bather) Preparing to Dive 1878
Boating in the Afternoon
Fischer auf der Seine bei Poissy 1882
A Boating Party 1889
Lotus Lilies 1888
Midnight 1891
Boating at Night in Brière 1924
Drifting 1886
Skiffs 1877
Les Périssoires 1878
Régates à Argenteuil 1872
Boating through Yosemite Valley with Half Dome in the Dis... 1850
Boating on the Yerres 1877
En Norvégienne: La barque à Giverny (In Norway: The Boat... 1887
Summer's Day (The Lake in the Bois de Boulogne) 1879
Boating 1874
CANOTAGE - Boating - by Pascal 2005
Lake Scene, Boating 1861