Major Archibald Robertson of Lawers 1782
Pierre Van Cortlandt Jr. 1795
William Linn 1792
William Mather Smith 1810
Portrait of a Gentleman 1795
William Udall 1800
Brother-in-law of Mrs. Alexander Rose 1795
George Washington (1732-1799) 1791
Henry Bedlow (1767-1838) 1800
Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723–1792) 1788
Professor William Robertson Smith, MA LLD
James Smith Livingston 1795
William Loughton Smith 1795
Portrait of Archibald Kennedy, 11th Earl of Cassilis 1750
Lieutenant-General Archibald Cameron Macdonell 1918
Archibald Campbell, 3rd Duke of Argyll, 1682 - 1761. Stat... 1744
Archibald Bulloch, Governor of Georgia 1790
Archibald Montgomerie, 11th Earl of Eglinton (1726-1796) 1784
Archibald Campbell, 1st Marquess of Argyll
Archibald Campbell Tait