Archangel Gabriel; The Virgin Annunciate 1510
The Archangel Gabriel
The Archangel Gabriel 1490
Archangel Gabriel 1997
A Glory of the Virgin with the Archangel Gabriel and Sain... 1725
The Annunciation 1655
Saint Andrew and Saint Benedict with the Archangel Gabrie...
The Assumption of the Virgin with Busts of the Archangel...
Archangel Gabriel struck dumb Zachariah 1837
Panels of a polyptych: The Archangel Gabriel and The Virg... 1482
Eternal Father and Archangel Gabriel 1650
Virgin Mary in Glory with Archangel Gabriel and S. Eusebi... 1724
The Archangel Gabriel of the Annunciation
Archangel Gabriel from an Annunciation
Archangel Gabriel Appears to Zachariah 1625
Virgin and Child with the Archangel Gabriel and an Uniden...
St Stanislaus (obverse); Archangel Gabriel from the Scene... 1460
The Archangel Gabriel, from an Annunciation scene on the... 1500
Religious Scene with the Archangel Gabriel 1699
Archangel Gabriel 1375