Annunciation 2013
The Annunciation 1519
The Annunciation 1660
Angel with a Crown of Lilies 1767
Annunciation (copy) 1610
Angel Carrying a Thurible 1630
Angel Carrying a Thurible 1638
Easter Lilies 1894
Christ Carrying the Cross, called "The Lord of the Fall" 1770
The Immaculate Conception
Untitled 1660
The Immaculate Conception 1670
The Vision of the Holy Grail 1890
Saint Anthony of Padua with the Child 1669
The Annunciation
The Annunciation 1424
Annunciation to the Virgin 1660
Esquilache Immaculate Conception 1645
Immaculate Conception of the Mirror 1665